this too shall pass; just not right now
My friend is dying; my friend is living. I can't stop the wild overgrowth of cancer, spreading out over, under and through various...

Sit a while and just breathe
There are plenty of times when we feel overwhelmed. Maybe the last two years have been a long, slow, lonesome slide toward...

Now, shift into neutral and glide
Winter solstice arrives here in Connecticut on Tuesday just before 11:00 a.m. just as the summer solstice arrives in the southern...

Be there then, then here now.
The admonition to be here now was made famous in the West by Ram Dass with the release of his seminal book of the same name in 1971. The...

Today, take a walk. Watch an old concert on TV. Start to read (or re-read) Dickens. Offer to get someone something at the grocery store,...

A healthy dose of humility
If you look for it, you will find the phrase “more significant than was previously thought,” or some variation of it, everywhere....

Can you hear the quiet?
There is so much noise that I fear we have forgotten how to listen to silence. Perhaps I should say listen to the quiet. In either case,...

Enjoying the process
My yoga teacher reminds us that yoga is not about the poses. It is about the breathing. As I strive to balance in a lunge, with one hand...

STOP the algorithms!
Algorithms! How many times have you heard that word in the past two years? They're everywhere. Because computers are everywhere and...

Expanding the space in between
I've been thinking a lot lately about how binary we are -- in so many areas of life. In politics: Democrat or Republican. Conservative or...