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Let there be light

This is the week we spring forward in Connecticut and lose an hour of sleep but gain an hour of daylight at the end of the day. Much has been researched and written about the pros and cons of changing our clocks twice a year in every realm – sociological, scientific, political, even biological as in how it affects our circadian rhythms. Personally, I like it the way things are now. I like that it’s 35 percent of the year on standard time and 65 percent on daylight saving time. I welcome the light. In fact, I really like light, and not just the kind that comes from the sun. Let my friendly dictionary help you see the light, so you can find your light this week and glow.

1a: something that makes vision possible <God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light — Genesis 1:3 (Revised Standard Version)>

b: the sensation aroused by stimulation of the visual pathways: brightness, luminosity <that light we see is burning in my hall — Shakespeare>

c: an electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range including infrared, visible, ultraviolet, and X rays and traveling in a vacuum with a speed of about 186,281 miles per second, specifically: the part of this range that is visible to the human eye and extends approximately from a wavelength of 3900 angstroms to a wavelength of 7700 angstroms

2a: the light of the sun : daylight <was up each morning at the first light — Frank O'Connor>

b: dawn

3: a specific material source of light: such as

a: a heavenly body <as night fell the lights in the sky multiplied>

b: candle <put a light in the window>

c: electric lamp <turned on all the lights in the house>


4: archaic: eyesight <when I consider how my light is spent ere half my days in this dark world — John Milton>

5a: spiritual illumination that is a divine attribute or the embodiment of divine truth <the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it — John 1:5 (Revised Standard Version)> <Jesus is the light — Eliza E. Hewitt> <Celestial Light, shine inward — John Milton>

b: inner light

c: ultimate truth: enlightenment <reaching out and groping for a pathway to the light — B. N. Cardozo>

d: a doctrine or set of beliefs representing true Christianity — used especially in Scotland in the phrases old light and new light

6a: open view: public knowledge <brought to light languages that were hitherto practically unknown — A. V. W. Jackson>

b: a particular aspect or appearance presented to view <an accused person's own testimony may put him in a very bad light before the jury — Telford Taylor> <every owner saw his dogs in the best light — W. F. Brown, born 1903>

7a: a source or measure of light considered by a person as necessary for his vision and as properly belonging to him <asked him not to stand in her light>

b: a particular or restricted illumination <this studio has a north light> <this room has poor light> <light of the fire>

c (1) : the natural light unobstructed by a building or wall

(2) : a legal right to have natural unobstructed light

(3) : ancient light


8: intellectual illumination: something that enlightens or informs <throw considerable light on some of the problems that now confront us in the U.S. — J. B. Conant> <could proudly take his light from such unembarrassed conservatism — Eric Goldman>

9: a medium through which light is admitted: such as

a: window, windowpane

b: skylight

c: a glass compartment in the roof or wall of a greenhouse


10: a person's stock of information or ideas: philosophy of life: standards <the attitude that one should worship according to one's lights — Adrienne Koch> <tried to make him behave himself according to English lights — G. B. Shaw>

11: a conspicuous or dominant person in a particular country, place, or field of endeavor: luminary <one of the leading lights of the French court — R. A. Hall, born 1911> <the leading and lesser lights of U.S. diplomacy — Time> <some literary light from the book world — Arthur Miller>

12: a particular look or aspect of the eye <an ugly light came into his eye — Gretchen Finletter> <listened with a fiery light burning in her eyes — Sherwood Anderson>

13a: a source of light used as a signal: such as

(1): lighthouse <the keeper of the Eddystone Light>

(2): a ship's blinker light <called the flagship on the light to announce she was reporting for duty>

(3): traffic signal <turn left at the next light>

b: a signal especially of a traffic light <stopped by a red light> <given the green light to go ahead with his plan>

14: something that gives life or individuality to a person: vital spark <hide his light under a bushel> <the light of individual human character shining through these events — Leslie Rees>

15a: a quality of animation, brilliance, or intensity <a man of deep shadows and dazzling light — O. S. J. Gogarty> <almost any crowd shows higher lights than this one — Katherine F. Gerould>

b(1): the part of a picture that represents those objects or areas upon which the light is supposed to fall —opposed to shade — compare chiaroscuro

(2): the part of a work of sculpture that provides a reflecting surface for light

16: a flame or spark by which something (as a cigarette, cigar, or pipe) may be lighted <took out a cigarette and asked him for a light>

17: lightface

18: lights (plural)

a: footlights

b: an illuminated display of a performer's name on a theater marquee <dreamed of seeing her name in lights>

"in the light of"

1: from the point of view of <advised his students to read the old authors and to criticize them in the light of their enhanced anatomical knowledge — Harvey Graham>

2: in view of <were fascinated—particularly in the light of his recent attack on modern poets — Harvey Breit> <in the light of the current news his argument seems well taken — R. A. Smith>


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