A little perspective

Depending on what you use for a news source, your opinion may differ from others you know. Herewith, a list of numbers for you to compare, keeping in mind that the number of Americans who have died from the coronavirus is for four months. All other numbers are for 12 months.
Number of active monthly Twitter users: 330,000,000
Number of participants worldwide in the Womens' March (1/21/17): 7,000,000
Visitors to Vietnam Memorial in 2019: 4,580,000
Heart disease as cause of death: 647,457
Cancer as cause of death: 599,108
Miles from earth to moon: 238,900
Deaths from accidents: 169,936
Chronic lower respiratory diseases (cause of death): 160,201
Stroke as cause of death: 146,383
Coronavirus deaths in the US as of 7/19/20: 142,000 (This is for a 4-month period. Extrapolated to an annual number like everything else in this list, it would be 426,000)
Alzheimer's disease: 121,404
Deaths due to flu and pneumonia: 55,672
Suicide: 47,173
Gun-related deaths in 2017: 39,773
Fatalities from car accidents in 2019: 38,800
Days in an average life: 28,653
Number of genes humans have: 25,000
Hours in a year: 8,760
Number killed on September 11: 2,977
Days before a human can read (average 6 years old): 2,190
Days to change a habit: 66
How long it takes to fall in love: 0
Numbers count. Pay attention. We have lost far too many of our fellowship to coronavirus. Keep things in the right perspective. Don't be distracted by liars and fools.