Ding! Pay attention.

Do you ever have the experience of something that keeps coming back in one form or another? Last fall, I wrote about a beautiful poem written in the 13th century by Hadewijch II, a 13th-century Flemish Beguine. Here it is again:
You who want
see the Oneness
There you
will find
the clear mirror
already waiting.
I came across it again today while looking for some inspiring poetry to offer to you. I knew I'd seen it recently; it took me a little digging to find it in my 10/30/17 letter.
So, when I keep coming across something repeatedly, I take it as a message to pay closer attention. So, while I go looking for the Oneness within, I offer you that poem again and, here, a passel more to explore; may you find something to inspire you, or to simply enjoy. Along with that, I repeat my image reminding you -- and me -- to be present. Ding!
And when something keeps dinging you, pay attention.