Tripping on truth

Truth. It seems to be in the news a lot these days. Or a lack of it. So, lies. Lies and lying seems to be a lot in the news these days.
Where does the truth come from, or, to be more precise, where does your truth come from? I add that because it seems that centuries of debate have not settled on the meaning of truth outside of our own perception.
It's easy to get tripped up on the topic. Is truth a pure concept that applies to all humans or is it relative to culture and time? Are we talking about science or morality? What about the flip side of truth: Lies? When, if ever, is a white lie permissible; and who decides that? Is "I know it when I see it" a valid barometer? How do you identify and recognize contempt for truth?
Is truth something you learn in church or from a holy book like the Qur'an or the Bible? Is truth good? Bad? Neither? Are questions like these more appropriately examined in philosophy classes?
While there may be many grand answers to timeless questions like these, I propose that there are also some very simple ones. I find it more practical to consult Aesop (Moral: There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth.) than Aristotle ("To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true.")
If someone's words do not ring true, listen to your inner alarm. Slow down. Don't believe everything. Take your time and seek more information before you come to your own truth. And once you've done that, ask new questions.
Take stock. Take time. Inform yourself. Seek counsel from those you trust and wish to emulate. Then seek counsel from someone unlike yourself. Listen to all sides. Choose your truth wisely.