What are you holding onto?

Every so often, it's a good practice to check what you're holding onto.
We all make assumptions. That's part of living a normal life. But sometimes, we need to check in with ourselves. For instance, we may assume that our partner knows that we love them (because we tell them all of the time, right? ...well, most of the time.). Or we make assumptions by telling ourselves a story. She's a brilliant worker, she needs a job and she'd fit in perfectly at my friend's firm. This would be ideal for both of them (I've known both of them for decades, and I'm sure it would be a win/win ... right?).
Embedded in our assumptions and stories, however, are our own perceptions, recollections, opinions and more. We all learn things as we go along. But times change. Things change. We change. Life around us changes.
As we form our story, we set events that we witness in a timeframe and setting. And that becomes the anchor of our future musings. But you can't always trust your anchor. Because time and tide can move your anchor and that which you originally connected to it is not necessarily still real.
Allow yourself to be wrong. Allow yourself to question your present assumptions and stories. Understand that the original writing of the story may have had other outcomes because you are not the author of someone else's story.
Anchors serve us well. We need a strong foundation. That is good and stabilizing. However, remember that we don't know everything about others around us; even those we love and know well. Always remember that all of us often pick up anchor, travel out into the world and come back and hook ourselves --- temporarily --- to another anchor.
Everyone's anchors are really only way stations, not permanent roots. If you are willing to reframe what you think is your anchor, you may find yourself able to see yourself and the world in a whole new, and current, light.